Articles are individual pages of content, which can then be assigned to categories. You can choose to make articles viewable by everyone, members-only, administrators and specific member groups.
The Articles manager is located under the Content heading.
You can also go the quick Add/Edit menus found in the top navigation.
How to add content to an article
- Click Add New Article.
- Choose to show or hide the article title.
- A shortname will be auto-generated. Click Change Shortname, to edit it.
- Add a Teaser. The teaser should be short overview of what the article is about. Teasers appear in the feed on category pages. From the category page, users click through to read the whole article.
- Enter the full article text, images, videos, audio into the Body field using the editor.
How to add a teaser cover image
- For best design, all images should be the same size.
- Resize the images BEFORE you upload them.
- Recommended image dimension is 400pixels x 400pixels or similar size.
- Click Select Cover Image button and upload your image.
How to set up a related article section
- Use the Tag field when you want to add a Related Articles section.
How to optimise your article for SEO
Add Meta Tags to help with your SEO score.
- Title tag: A title tag should contain a unique, accurate and concise description of a page’s content in under 70 characters.
- Description Tag: Include a readable and compelling description of the web page in no more than 160 characters.
How to set member permissions
- Allow Access decides who can view the article. The options available are: Administrator / Everyone / Members-Only.
- Assign the article to a specific Member Group.
How to create a pay-per-view store product
- Tick allow pay-per-view
- To create a Pay-Per-View article, it must be set to be viewable by Members Only.
How to assign your article to a category
- Assign your article to a primary Category. Once an article is assigned to a category, its title and teaser will be displayed on the category page.
- Select Additional Categories if you want the article to appear in more than one category.
Display a published date and author
- Use the Publish Date field to manage when the article is scheduled to appear. You can set publication for a date in the future if desired. When you are logged in as an administrator, you will see all the articles.
- Add an Author/Source. It will appear alongside the publish date.
- Option to Hide author/source.
How to hide article teasers on category and homepages
- Option to hide the article on homepages and more articles.
- Option to hide the article teaser from an assigned category page.
Click Save.
Choose to either preview the article before publishing - publish now or undo to cancel the most recent changes since the last save.
Click Publish Now to make the article available to members or non-members. Articles set for a future publication date will display to members and non-members on that date.