If you would like to create a sign up form within your site, to enable visitors to sign up to your MailChimp mailing list, you can add this via the navigation blocks.
1. Go to the Navigation Manager
2. Select the menu area where you would like this form to appear.
3. Choose the 'MailChimp Block' from the drop down menu.
4. The navigation block editor will appear
5. Next choose from the drop down menu which type of user you would like to view the block you are creating.
6. Now select from the drop down menu, which MailChimp list you would like users to be added to.
(Important - You need to set up the MailChimp API key in the Site Settings > Miscellaneous before adding a sign up block)
7. Enter a title for the block (Optional but recommended)
8. You then have the option to add some content here using the editor. (Optional)
9 If you would like to be notified by email once someone has signed up, please enter your email address here. (Optional)
10. Save
The sign up block will now appear in the navigation menu!