On the very rare occasion a member may have difficulty signing up to your website. There can be a number of reasons why a potential subscriber may be unable to pay online to access your services or purchase a product so we have listed some of them below.
- The subscriber used the wrong home address, the address must match the bank's records.
- Insufficient funds
- Invalid card type (Subscriber is using a card type that is not supported)
- Your payment providers servers were having issues at time of payment.
- Card Expired
So how do I fix the problem?
In the first instance clients should contact their payment provider support, alternatively you may login to your payment providers control panel to see if any issue or error is apparent there.
Everything is ok with my payment provider... what next?
In order for us to investigate payment issues we will need the following details:
- At what stage in the payment process did the failiure occur?
- What type of card was used?
- Was there an error message returned?
- What currency was the payment in?
- What is the name and email address of the subscriber?
- Please also provide a screenshot if possibe?
When you have these details please submit a support ticket and we will investigate the issue.
NOTE: Always ensure payments are tested before launching your site.