Disqus is a free add-on comment tool offering a wealth of features to increase discussion engagement while preventing spam. Disqus provides notifications, moderation and blocking.
As an administrator, you can sort comments based on best, newest or oldest and have the option to close and open threads.
Disqus allows member posts to be edited, replied to and shared. Members can also create a profile with avatar.
Members sign in using a social media account or create one with Disqus. The first time they comment, they will then be required to verify their email address before their post can be submitted. You can also choose to Approve comments before they can post.
How to set up DISQUS
- Sign up to Disqus here: https://disqus.com/
- Log in and select I want to install Disqus on my site.
- On the next screen, enter your site name and select the category of your website.
- Click, Create Site.
- Select your pricing level. Basic is free.
- On the installation page, choose Universal Code.
- Two boxes of code will be generated.
- In the Control Panel of your SubHub website.
- Click Settings then the Integrations tab.
- Copy and paste the first box of code in the Disqus Code field.
- The second box of code is optional. It’s for the comment count. Paste it in the Comment Count Script.
- Click Save Settings.
How to show comments on an article page
- Comments need to be enabled on individual article pages.
- Edit the article page.
- Tick Allow User Comments.
- Then Save.