With PayPal, your members can make payments using a credit card for non-recurring subscription plans only.
Note: For recurring payments, your member will need to use a PayPal account. They will be prompted to open a PayPal account, if they don't already have one.
NOTE: Each website must have its own PayPal account. You cannot use the same PayPal API keys on multiple websites.
Open a Website Payment Standards PayPal account.
Enter your PayPal email address
- In your SubHub Control Panel
- Click Settings
- Then select the Payment Processor tab
- Enter the email address associated with your PayPal business account
How to get your API credentials
- Log into your PayPal account.
- In the top menu, under your account name click Account settings.
- Select Account Access, next to API Access, click the blue Update link.
- On the next page, under the option NVP/SOAP API integration (Classic), click on Manage API credentials.
- Click Show to reveal your API Username, Password and Signature credentials.
- Copy and paste these codes into the Payment Processor tab of your SubHub website.
- Settings > Payment Processors
Set Up your IPN Notifications
- In the top menu, under your account name click Account settings.
- Select Account Settings.
- Under Business Profile heading, select Notifications.
- Next to Instant Payment Notifications, click Update.
- Click the Choose IPN Settings button.
- In the Notification URL field, add your URL in this format: https://www.yourwebsite.com/paypal_ipn
- Under IPN messages, tick to Receive IPN messages.
- Save.
Adding the PDT Token
- In the top menu, under your account name click Account settings.
- Select Account Settings.
- Under Products & Services, click Website Payments.
- Next to Website Preferences, click Update.
- Set Auto return to On.
- In the Return URL field enter: https://www.yoursitename.com/subscribe/complete
- NOTE: Replace 'yoursitename.com' with your own domain name.
- Set Payment data transfer to On.
- Click Save.
- Go back to the page.
A PDT identity token will be generated and found under the heading Payment data transfer. Copy the Identity Token.
- In Control panel of your SubHub site, go to
- Click Settings.
- Select the Payment Processor tab.
- Under PayPal Settings
- Paste the token into the PDT Token field.
- Click Save Settings.
How recurring subscriptions are cancelled
- Members can login to their PayPal account and cancel their subscription. When this happens, your SubHub site will be notified by PayPal and their member subscription will expire at the end of the current billing period.
- Members can cancel their subscription through the My Account link. Their membership and recurring PayPal payment will be cancelled. An email notification of this cancellation will be sent to you.
What happens if a member's payment fails
If a payment fails, you will be notified.
PayPal will retry to process the payment 5 days after the first failure.
If the payment fails on the second attempt, the subscription is automatically cancelled in PayPal and the member's account in the SubHub member manager is expired.
FINAL STEP: Always make a test payment before launching your site!