After setting up your accounts with Stripe and/or PayPal, you'll need to enter their setting details into your SubHub control panel.
How to Set Up your payment processor
- Click Settings.
- Select the Payment Processor tab.
Payment Processor
Tick the processors you will use.
Note: If you choose to use both payment processors, some features available only with Stripe, such as set up fee, will not be an option.
Member Upgrade Process
When a member upgrades from a monthly plan to it annual equivalent, you have the option to Credit the Subscription Length of the new plan period with the remaining time left of the original plan.
Example: A member subscribes to the basic monthly plan on the 1st of the month. They upgrade to the basic annual plan on the 25th of the month.
They still have 5 (calendar) days left of their original monthly plan, so this time will be added on to the new annual plan making the next renewal date one year + 5 days.
Their status will show as Trialling until their next payment is taken, then it will update to Active.
NOTE: The credit subscription length is only applied on upgrades of the same plan.
Subscription Settings
Tick Do Not Limit to allow members to have multiple active recurring subscriptions.
Tick Limit One Active to allow members only one active subscription.
Tick Allow Setup Fee if you want to charge your members a one-time intro or set up fee on their subscription plan. Enter the fee in the Setup Fee field when you create your subscription plan. This option is only available with Stripe.
Select your currency
If using Stripe, enter your Stripe Secret Key.
If using PayPal, enter your PayPal API Username, API Password, API signature and PDT Token.
After setup, Always make a test subscription purchase.