Before launching your membership website, make sure it's ready to accept subscribers and deliver a positive user experience.
This guide provides a checklist of items that are often overlooked.
It lists the functionality you need to test, the messages you need to review and some SEO best practices.
Connect Custom Domain
- Once you connect your custom domain, your site will show as 'live'.
Complete your messages
- Complete and test your Contact Page. Confirm you updated the contact email address.
- Complete your Automated Emails. These are the emails a member receives to confirm their subscription and when their membership is about to expire.
- Fill out your T&C page.
Test your subscription process
- Make sure you have completed the set up of Stripe and/or PayPal in the Payment Processor tab. This includes adding the Stripe webhook in your Stripe account. And the PDT Token in your PayPal settings.
- Test the subscription sign up and cancel process by joining as a member.
Test the member experience
- Log in as a member and confirm that the correct content can be accessed.
- Make sure members can easily navigate the site.
- Ask others to trial your site and give feedback.
Metadata best practices
Update your Metadata in Settings. The words you use will help search engines to understand what your website is about. Make sure you're incorporating the keywords that would be used to search for your content.
Your Site Title is very important for SEO. Your site title will appear in the browser tab.
- Your Site title should be written like this: Primary Keyword – Secondary Keyword | Brand Name
- It should be approximately 55 characters in length including spaces.
Your Site Description is the text snippet that appears in search results: Write a compelling description which a user would want to click on.
- 150 to 160 characters is the recommended length.
Test your design's responsiveness
- Test the responsiveness of your design by viewing your website on different devices. On different sized screens, your content should adjust in size and stack.
Check your links
- Check that your links are working.
- Review how to correctly create Internal Links. This is often done incorrectly.
Add your favicon
The Favicon is the small icon in the browser tab that represents your website.
- Add your Favicon in the browser tab.
Prevent spam
- Add Google reCAPTChA to prevent spam.
Connect Google Analytics
- Connect Google Analytics to gain insights into your traffic.