Courses can be sold as stand-alone products or included as part of a membership subscription.
Creating a course plan
- In the control panel.
- Click Courses menu
- Select Course Plan.
- Click the Create Course plan button.
Course plan title
Give your course a title. You can change the shortname to improve SEO.
Payment frequency
The payment frequency fields sets the duration of the course.
You can choose from weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually. You can also choose to multiply these. Stripe also offers a daily recurring payment.
With Stripe, annual subscriptions must renew yearly.
Enter the price of the course.
Recurring payment
If your course plan is set to Recurring, then the user will be billed in the regular intervals set in the payment frequency field above.
How to grant Lifetime Access to a course
- Set Recurring Payment to No.
- Scroll down the page.
- Then select Yes to: One-time payment plan with life-time access.
Recurring times
This option is available only when PayPal is your only processor.
It sets the number of times a course payment will recur. For example, if your course plan is for lifetime access after three monthly payments, this is how it would be set:
Payment Frequency: 1 Month
Recurring Payment: Yes
Recurring Times: 3
Promo code
Promotional codes are generally used in conjunction with a discounted offer. They can also be useful for tracking where your users are being referred from.
The promo code plan only becomes visible to the users after they enter the promotional code on the featured-courses page.
Available to
Setting the course plan to be available to Everyone allows anyone to sign up to this course.
New Members means existing students will not be able to purchase this course again.
Setting the plan to Existing Members means only renewing members will be able to access and purchase the course.
Days free (for recurring plans only)
Use this option to allow students to try the course before a final purchase.
Note: Users will still be asked to enter their card details in the purchase process but the funds will not be taken until the end of the number of free days stated here.
Free days, can only be offered on Recurring plans.
The maximum number of free days for Paypal is 28.
For Stripe, the number of free days is 730.
If you have set up Member Groups, they will be listed here. Including a member group as part of a course, will also grant the student access to any content that has been assigned to that member group.
Allow email notification
Select Yes to send students an email notification every time a new dripped lesson is available.
Use tags to categorise your courses. The tags will appear on the featured-courses page. When a user clicks on a tag, all courses assigned that tag will display.
Subscription plan status
Select Enabled to allow students to join the course. Select Disabled to remove courses from being available to purchase.
When you disable a plan that still has active students, those students will continue to have access to the content and be billed until they cancel.
Click Save.